21st March 2022 – Edition 256
Find out About
The Bedfordshire and Luton Children’s Community Health HUB is our one stop service for our Health Visiting, School Nursing 0-19 and our Looked after Children Teams for parents, carers and professionals. Our Luton Community Paediatric Service can also be contacted via this number, but for emails please continue to use their own dedicated email address.
To access the Health HUB call us on 0300 555 0606 or mail:
Our trained Hub administrators will be at the end of the phone to help and advise, and to signpost to you to the correct services.
2. Lack of fruit at snack time!
We have had very little fruit brought into school in the last week or so, to share at fruit time. I know we have some parents who regularly donate fruit, so a big Thankyou goes out to them. We ask that every parent consider donating a six pack of apples, or a bunch of bananas or a bag of satsumas once every six weeks. If all parents send in some fruit we have plenty to share at grouptime. We give children a small portion of fruit to have with their milk at snacktime, usually about a quarter of an apple/ banana/ satsuma. The children really enjoy their snacktime.
3. Box Modelling
Next week we are learning about recycling in big nursery so we will be needing lots of boxes to recycle into different creations! We would be very grateful for any of the following that you can offer…
4. Covid 19 Update
We have been made aware of several members of our setting who have tested positive for COVID 19. We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with our local Public Health team. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child.
Our setting remains open, and your child should continue to attend if they remain well.
What to do if your child develops symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should self-isolate and book a PCR test as soon as possible. This can be arranged via or by calling 119.
Typical symptoms of COVID-19 are a new, continuous cough, or a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
Please note that we have seen that the additional symptoms of an upset stomach, runny nose, headache, sore throat, unusual fatigue (tiredness) or cold-like symptoms could be early warning signs of a potential COVID-19 infection.
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should get a PCR test and remain at home at least until the result is known.
If your child does develop COVID-19 symptoms, you can seek advice from the NHS at
If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you should contact NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.
How to help to stop COVID-19 spreading
There are things you can do to help to reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19: · get vaccinated – everyone aged 12 and over can book COVID-19 vaccination appointments now or attend a drop-in site. See for clinic locations and times.
Further information is available at
5. What the children are learning about this week
In little nursery the theme is growing.
Throughout catkins and little nursery, the children will be revisiting planting that they have done previously and the changes that have happened to their seeds. They will talk about how the seeds have changed and have now grown into cress and beans. The staff and children will discuss things their seeds needed to grow and will then plant some peas and carrots.
Children will also be thinking about who is special to them and why. They will work on their communication skills by sharing this information with their key workers.
In big nursery the theme is recycling.
In room one, Miss Skai will be playing a recycling game with the children. The focus will be on how we can recycle certain materials and the children will get to sort different resources into the correct containers. Miss Skai will explain to the children why it is a good idea that we recycle and reuse some items.
Miss Skai will also complete a group read of Josie and the Junk Box, the children will follow along with the story and gain an understanding that print has meaning.
In room two, Mrs. Cashmore will be focusing on junk modelling with the children. They will be encouraged to create some amazing box modelling masterpieces to bring home and share with you all.
The children will have the opportunity to reuse some bottle tops by decorating an uppercase image of their own initial. As the children work, they will be able to discuss other ways to reuse and recycle their rubbish.
Outside, Mrs. Patterson will be supporting the children in making a large scale recycling collage. The children will glue their recycling onto a large canvas and turn rubbish into art. Mrs. Patterson is planning to show the children that ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’.
There will be chalk available for the children to draw on the pavement. They will be encouraged to draw different shapes on the floor and fill those shapes with natural resources such as sticks and stones.