Nursery News 27th March 2023


27th March 2023 – Edition 293

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A.Term dates. Last day of Spring Term Thursday 30th March. School Re-opens Monday 17th April 2023 for the Summer term.

B. Little Nursery Orange group, 3+ attendance patterns.

C. An Open School Event: Big Nursery ‘Phonics’.

D. What the children are learning about this week?


A. Term dates. Last day of Spring Term Thursday 30th March. School Re-opens Monday 17th April 2023 for the Summer term.

The last day of term for all children is Thursday 30th March. The Nursery is open for normal hours on this day. School re-opens for the Summer Term on Monday 17th April.


B. Little Nursery Orange group, 3+ attendance patterns.

Children who attend Little Nursery, whose Date of Birth is between 1.1.20 and 31.3.20, are known as Mrs Brinkley’s Orange group. In April, they will become 3+ children. We already have 10 children here in this age group. Three more new children will join them. We have a letter for all parents of Orange group children. Each letter is individually written, showing your child’s attendance pattern, arrival and departure times, and details your child’s first day. We are giving these letters out this week. We will look out for parents in the queue each morning, as we know some children only attend once or twice per week. You are welcome to pop in and pick the letter up from the school office at any time, should you wish to.

We would like all parents to be aware that there will be slightly more parents queuing in the Little Nursery queue. The Summer term is our busiest term. In the Summer term, in any one session, we can have fifty 3+ children in Big Nursery. In Little Nursery we can have twenty-six 3+ children and twelve 2+ children in one session.


C. An Open School Event. Big Nursery ‘Phonics’.

Miss Howe would like to invite all parents of Big Nursery Children to come in and watch your child take part in their phonics session, during week beginning Monday 17th April. Sessions run at 3 different times throughout the week. Big Nursery Keyworkers will give out slips to parents this week, inviting parents to attend on a particular day and time (wk beginning 17th April), as groups are based on your child’s attendance days and not their Keyworker groups. Sessions last around 30 minutes.

We try to offer a variety of Open School Activities both during the school day and in the early evening, hoping that parents might be able to attend some of them. We understand parents have different family and work commitments, so we do not expect all parents to attend. It is just another option….


D. What the children are learning about this week?

What are the children learning about this week?

The theme throughout Nursery is Easter

In Catkins, Mrs Field will be showing the children how to make Easter baskets to bring home. She will provide cups for the children to decorate and fill with chocolate. Mrs Field will also be supporting the children as they build on their maths skills by counting out 2d eggs to stick onto a nest picture.

Mrs Watson will be making Easter cards in the link with the children. She will model lots of language to the children when working with them. Mrs Watson will encourage the children to be as independent as possible when creating their cards.

In Room 3, Miss Gaffney will be supporting the children as they use one handed tools such as scissors, glue and sellotape to craft Easter baskets. Miss Gaffney will encourage lots of writing practice as she helps the children to begin forming the letters of their names. Everyone will work towards writing their names on their Easter basket handle.

Outside, Mrs Brinkley will set up a rabbit run for the children to play with. She will use small toy rabbits to explore positional language with the children, asking them to help her find the rabbits that are hiding. Mrs Brinkley will model lots of positional language to help the children grasp this concept.

Miss Skai will be working with the older children outside and she will work with small groups to hold an egg hunt. Every child will have the chance to look around outside for a chocolate treat left by the Easter bunny. There will also be some bunny races for the children to take part in, wearing bunny hats that they will make through the week.

In Room 1, Miss Howe will be playing a phonics game with the children which will support their recognition of letters and sounds. The children get to choose a carrot with a hidden letter on and try to think of words that may begin with the sound that letter makes.

Mrs Cashmore will be working with the children on recognising numbers and linking amounts of objects to each number. She will ask the children to name and copy down a number and then count out the matching amount of stickers which will be used to decorate egg pictures.

In Room 2, Mrs Patterson will be asking the children to help her decorate our Easter tree. The children will have the chance to decorate an Easter ornament and hang it on the tree for everyone to see. Mrs Patterson will also set up the easel for the children to practice fine motor skills as they paint freely.