Nursery News – 17th April 2023


17th April 2023 – Edition 294

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A.Term Dates. Bank Holiday Dates

B. Reminder: An Open School Event: Big Nursery ‘Phonics’.

C. What the children are learning about this week?


A.Term Dates. Bank Holiday Dates.

Welcome back everyone. We are now into the third term of the school year- The Summer Term. I just wanted to outline key dates across this term for your information.

Monday 17th April 2023, Summer Term begins.

Monday 1st May 2023. Bank Holiday Monday, School Closed.

Monday 8th May 2023 Bank Holiday Monday for King’s Coronation, School Closed.

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June 2023, Half Term Week, School Closed                                               (29th May is a Bank Holiday)

Thursday 20th July 2023 will be the last day of term for all children. School opens for normal hours.

Friday 21st July 2023 school will be open only for the Big Nursery children that are leaving us. The session will be a morning only session from 8:50am to 11:50am


B. An Open School Event. Big Nursery ‘Phonics’.

A reminder!

Miss Howe has invited all parents of Big Nursery Children to come in and watch your child take part in their phonics session, during week beginning Monday 17th April. Sessions run at 3 different times throughout the week. Groups are based on your child’s attendance days and not their Keyworker groups. Sessions last around 30 minutes.


C. What the children are learning about this week?

The theme throughout nursery is growing and planting.

In Catkins, Mrs McGrath will be making cress heads with the children. They will all plant cress seeds in small pots and Mrs McGrath will take photos of all the children. A picture of each child will be placed on their plant pot and as the cress grows, it will look like the children have cress for hair!

In the Link, Mrs Watson will show the children how to make celery stamp paintings. She will model how to dip the celery into paint and press it onto paper, making pretty flower pictures. As the children work, Mrs Watson will talk to them about the different parts of a flower.

Mrs Brinkley will be planting carrots and peas outside with the children. She will show the children how to plant their seeds and discuss how the seeds will need water, soil and sunshine to grow. The children can water their seeds every day and observe the changes.

Miss Gaffney will also be planting in Room 3. The children will be planting sunflower seeds and Miss Gaffney will talk to the children about helping the sunflower seeds to grow. She will explain to the children that the seeds will grow into very tall flowers with enough sunlight and water.

In Room 2, Mrs Patterson will provide loose parts for the children to explore creatively. She will also display some beautiful tulips for the children to focus on for still life painting. The children will be encouraged to look closely at the tulips and choose the appropriate colours to paint them.

In Room 1, Miss Howe will have a flower shop set up for the children to role play in. She will provide gardening tools, tills, flowers and plant pots for the children to use as props. There will also be a game called How Does Your Garden Grow for the children to play, they will take it in turns to find pictures of leaves to add to their flower pots and the child with the most leaves at the end of the game is the winner.

Outside, Miss Skai will be planting grass seeds. The children will decorate their own plant pots using stickers and pencils to draw a face on their pot. Miss Skai will discuss the importance of giving the seeds plenty of water to help them grow and as they begin growing, the children can bring their grass home to show you.