Intent and Ambitions (7 C’s)

Willow Nursery School Curriculum Intent and Ambitions


At Willow Nursery School, we intend to provide a rich and engaging early years curriculum that is personalised to the needs and interests of our children. Our curriculum is delivered through adult and child-initiated learning experiences. We focus on developing communication and language skills, developing positive relationships with adults and other children, and embedding core knowledge and skills that lay firm foundations for future learning. Our curriculum, takes into account, the varying needs and abilities of individual children and is tailored to the child’s developmental needs.

We see our school at the heart of the community and we acknowledge the significance of the school and families working in partnership, and the importance of all children experiencing a high-quality nursery education and the positive impact that this has on later life.

Caring and Kind

We have developed the following curriculum ambitions, which are unique to Willow Nursery School: We call them the 7 C’s.


Our curriculum ambitions are unique to Willow       Nursery School. They were devised and discussed as a whole school team and what are important to us for our children and their families.


To gain the necessary skills to become an effective communicator

  • To communicate wants, interests and feelings and engage in meaningful interactions
  • To begin to join words to talk about people, experiences, wants and needs.
  • To confidently use a developing vocabulary appropriate to the individual child’s capabilities.
  • To develop attention and listening skills in a range of contexts


To enjoy familiar songs, rhymes and stories

  • To respond to favourite rhymes and songs
  • To listen to nursery rhymes and stories
  • Joins in with familiar rhymes and stories
  • To use familiar stories in play



To have a sense of belonging to the ‘Willow family’

  • To show an interest in others e.g. their names, their interests.
  • To appreciate similarities and differences between themselves and others
  • To develop positive relationships and a sense of belonging with practitioners and other children
  • To be able to separate happily from their parent/carer
  • To feel settled at nursery
  • To have a positive sense of self, talks about people and experiences that are important to them
  • To be able participate and feel confident in following nursery rules and routines.
  • To be able to use good manners – please and thankyou and be considerate


To develop an interest in and care for the natural world

  • To look around with interest within the natural environment
  • To explore and engage with new and familiar experiences in the world around them
  • To talk about things that they have seen and comment on similarities, difference and change.



To develop body awareness, confidence and co-ordination

  • To use their body to achieve goals
  • To be able to challenge themselves safely
  • To confidently assess risk
  • To safely use a wide range of tools
  • To embrace new experiences and persevere in their play


Caring and Kind
  • To develop an understanding about our own and others people’s feelings.
  • To know that being kind and caring makes us and others feel good.
  • To learn ways to be kind and caring towards others
  • To develop an understanding of feelings – happy, sad, angry, excited.



To become independent and capable in personal care routines

  • To use the toilet independently
  • To wash hands effectively and know appropriate times to wash hands
  • To dress and undress themselves including putting on coat and zipping it up
  • To be able to feed themselves
  • To use good manners when eating i.e. appropriate amount of food in their mouth


  • To be exposed to a wide variety of creative opportunities
  • Experiments with a range of media
  • To be able to have an idea and explore creating it
  • To be imaginative by themselves and with others
  • To be comfortable with self-expression
  • To solve problems in different ways



To develop good number sense to 5 and beyond

  • To become familiar with the sequence of numbers and be able to say or sing them in order
  • To count in different contexts, beginning to say one number name for each object
  • To understand that the last number counted gives the total
  • To be able recognise small quantities without counting