Key Skills

Willow Nursery School Key Skills

At Willow Nursery School we have developed six skills that we want our children to develop and refine during their time with us from the age of 2. These skills have been discussed and devised as a team. We believe that promoting the development of these skills, the children’s learning and development towards our 7C’s and following the guidance in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and Birth to Five Matters document, children will have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Ball Skills Throws small ball overhand and forwards without falling over.

Walks into large ball when trying to kick it

Throws ball from hand somewhat stiffly at body level. Kicks large ball, but gently and lopsidedly. Can throw a ball overhand and catch large ball on or between extended arms. Kicks ball forcibly. Shows increasing skill in ball games, throwing, catching, bouncing, kicking etc. including use of bat      
Bike Skills Walks and pushes wheeled toys along Sits on a trike and scoots with feet Rides a trike using pedals. Rides a trike using pedals and steers confidently Rides a trike with increasing speed and accuracy.


Is able to ride the two-wheeled bike.  
Scissor Skills Is aware that scissors can cut Holds scissors ineffectively to cut


Effective scissor grip Effective scissor use to cut along a straight line Effective scissor use to cut along a curved line Effective scissor use to cut around outlines turning paper and cutting effectively.  
Pencil Grip, control and mark making skills Holds pencil in mid or upper shaft in whole hand, or with rough estimate of thumb and fingers. Spontaneous to and fro marks and dots, using either hand alone or sometimes with pencils in both hands. Holds a pencil well down shaft towards point, using thumb and first two fingers. Mostly uses preferred hand. Spontaneous marks as well as two and fro marks with dots. Imitates vertical line and ‘v’ shape. Holds pencil in preferred hand, with improved tripod grasp. Imitates horizontal line and circle, and usually ‘T’ and ‘V’. ) Holds pencil near the point in preferred hand, between the first two fingers and thumb, and uses it with good control. Copies circle, also letters ‘V’, ‘H’ and ‘T’ Imitates a cross. Draws a person with head and usually indication of one or two other features or parts. Holds and uses pencil with good control. Copes cross and also letters ‘V’, ‘H’, ‘T’ and ‘O’. draws a person with head, legs and trunk, and usually arms and fingers. Draws a recognisable house on request or spontaneously. Good control in writing and drawing with pencils and paint brushes. Copies square and a triangle. Also copies letters ‘V’, ‘T’, ‘H’, ‘O’, ‘X’, ‘L’, ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘U’ and ‘Y’. Writes a few letters spontaneously.


Draws recognisable man with head, trunk, legs, arms and features. Draws house with door, windows and roof.


Spontaneously produces many other pictures containing several items and usually indication of background of environment.


Colours, pictures neatly, staying within outlines.

Reading Skills Looks with interest at coloured pictures in book and pats page. Enjoys simple picture books, often and recognising and putting index finger on boldly coloured items on page. Turns several pages at a time. Enjoys picture books, recognising fine details in favourite pictures. Turns pages singly. Recognises minute details in picture books. Listens eagerly to stories and demands favourite over and over again. Listens to and tells long stories, sometimes confusing fact and fantasy. Loves to be read or told stories and acts then out in detail later, alone or with friends.
Numbers and Counting  Skills Says number names Counts by rote up to ten or more, but with little appreciation of quantity beyond two or three. Counts by rote up to twenty or more, and beginning to count objects by word and touch in one-to-one correspondence up to four or five.