2+ Little Nursery Class
We admit children to 2+ Little Nursery the term after they turn two. Each term we will work
on the cohort of children that are turning 2 years old, to enrol children to join the school at
the beginning of the term after they turn two.
We will have a specific number of spaces to fill in each termly cohort, as our numbers are
capped due to Ofsted requirements for available floor space per pupil and staffing numbers.
We will contact families to offer spaces in the order that they appear on our contact list.
Those parents who have been on our contact list longest are asked first. We then work
down our contact list, offering spaces until we are full.
We will aim to offer families a choice of 15 hour or 30 hour attendance patterns as follows:
Parents may choose a 30 hour option:
Children attend Monday to Friday from 8:45am to 2:45pm.
Parents may choose a 15 hour option:
Children attend: Beginning of the week ,
Monday 8:45am to 2:45pm,
Tuesday 8:45am to 2:45pm,
Wednesday 8:45am to 11:45am. OR
End of the week,
Wednesday 11:45am to 2:45pm,
Thursday 8:45am to 2:45pm,
Friday 8:45am to 2:45pm.
As spaces begin to fill, we may not be able to offer all the options above.
Please see our admissions policy for full details.
3+ Big Nursery
How do we manage enrolment for 3+ Big Nursery, for children who already attend 2+
Little Nursery?
When children have enrolled in the 2+ Little Nursery and been attending for half a term, we
will ask parents to choose whether they would like to continue with their existing hours
(which may be 15 or 30 hours per week) when they join 3+Big Nursery. If children attend for
15 hours in the 2+ Little Nursery we will offer the opportunity to increase their hours to 30
hours in the 3+ Big Nursery.
For families entitled to ‘Funding for Working Families’ they will be entitled to 30 funded
At 3+ all children are entitled to 15 hours of free Universal Funding.
Families who are not entitled to ‘Funding for Working Families’ can choose to pay for an
additional 15 hours.
In Big Nursery, the cost of an additional 15 hours is £78.30 per week.
We add the 2+ children’s choice of attendance patterns to our pupil numbers 3+Yearly
Plan. Children are considered as 3+children the term after their 3rd birthday.
How will we manage enrolment for 3+ Big Nursery, for children who do not attend 2+
Little Nursery?
We admit children to 3+ Big Nursery the term after they turn three.
Each termly cohort has a specific number of spaces available.
If, after planning for the attendance pattern of the 2+ Little Nursery children on our 3+Yearly
Plan, we have spaces left for additional children, we look to offer spaces to children on our
contact list. Each term we will work on the cohort of children that are turning 3 years old, to
enrol children to join the school at the beginning of the term after they turn three.
We will contact families to offer spaces in the order that they appear on the contact list.
Those parents who have been on our contact list longest are asked first. We then work
down our contact list, offering spaces until we are full.
At 3+ all children are entitled to 15 hours of free Universal Funding.
Children joining the school at age 3+ will be offered 15 hours only, with a choice of two
attendance patterns.
Please see our admissions policy for full details.
Contact List:
Children’s names can be taken onto our contact list from birth. Our contact list is split into
termly cohorts. Within each school year we have 3 cohorts:
Autumn born children born between 1st September and 31st December,
Spring born children born between 1st January and 31st March and
Summer born children born between 1st April and 31st August.
Please email office@willownursery.co.uk or telephone 01582662600 to join our contact list.