11th January – Edition 211
Find out About:
A: Willow Nursery School is open.
B. .Staffing updates.
C. Our January Intake.
D. Term Dates
E. Funding forms for the Local Authority must be signed by parents.
A: Willow Nursery School is open.
I hope you all had a restful break. I know the staff used the time to rest, and ready themselves for the Spring Term.
We are open, and we are operating in the same way that we were in December.
We have an in depth document, written by the government, that Early Years settings have to follow to keep staff, pupils and parents safe in this pandemic. This document is regularly updated. Scientists from the Sage committee say that even though we have a new covid variant that seems to be very contagious, we do not need to take additional measures to keep ourselves safe, we just need to continue with the same measures that were in place, but make sure we adhere to them very well. Remembering that regular handwashing is of utmost importance, trying to stay socially distanced wherever possible, and using face coverings where social distancing is not possible.
We are still following all the important rules to keep children safe.
We are still operating two bubbles. One bubble is all the children that will leave us in July 2021, the other bubble is all the children younger than this. Children still have free flow play, both inside and outside for most of the session and come together for a group story time or activity towards the end of their session.
We understand all families have different feelings and views about whether their children should attend Nursery or not at this time. We do understand.
We also know that individual parents views may change over time, so what you choose at the moment may change in the coming weeks. That is OK too.
Almost all parents have contacted us if they have chosen to keep their child at home at the moment. We are very grateful for this information. We have made a note of what each parent has advised, so we have an overall picture.
B. Staffing Updates
Miss Howe’s daughter is in Year 4. She attends her school as a Keyworker child. Her bubble was closed from today as a child in her class tested positive for coronavirus. Miss Howe’s daughter has to isolate for 10 days. We will see Miss Howe again on Tuesday 19th January.
As a school we are very vulnerable to closure.
We have two teachers, Miss Howe and Mrs Davies. A teacher must be on duty for the school to open. Both of us have primary aged children attending school in keyworker bubbles. We could end up with both of us having to be at home looking after our own children if both their bubbles close. In this scenario our school would close.
Mrs Davies and Miss Howe both work with the Main Nursery children every day. If we had a confirmed coronavirus case in the Main Nursery, either a child or member of staff, then the entire bubble would close. If Main Nursery bubble closes for everyone to isolate for 10 days, Miss Howe and Mrs Davies would both be sent home. In this scenario our school would close.
If a child or member of staff tested positive for coronavirus in the Catkins/ Blue group bubble, the bubble would close. In this scenario the school may be able to stay open, if Mrs Davies or Miss Howe were able to remain in school to manage the Main Nursery.
The important message to note here is our day to day vulnerability. We want to continue to provide care and education for the children that do attend. Please do not send in any children who are unwell in any way. If your child is ‘under the weather’, or ‘out of sorts’ please keep them at home. If your child becomes unwell at school, we will ask you to come and collect them.
Please help us to stay open. One staff member off, things become tight. Two staff off, things become difficult. Three staff off and we face closure due to staff shortage. So as parents, please behave in a covid secure way whenever possible. Please do not bend the covid rules during your daily lives.
C. Our January Intake.
We have just admitted 11 new starters, who have just turned three. These children, along with four children already attending Nursery make up Blue Group. Blue group is based in room 3, and they are looked after by their Keyworker, Miss Gaffney.
I’d like to welcome all these new families to our school.
D.Term dates:
Spring term begins Tuesday 5th January 2021.
Half term from 15th-19th February 2021
Term ends for Easter school holidays on Friday 26th March.
The best place to look for the most up to date Term dates is on the Central Beds Website. The Local Authority have been known to move school holidays to bring them in to line with neighbouring counties. I would always suggest double checking there before booking a holiday or other important event.#
E. Funding forms for the Local Authority must be signed by parents.
All parents that claim 30 hours funding for their child must sign a parent declaration form provided by the Local Authority, every term, to enable to school to receive the additional funding for their child. The majority of our parents were approached by the office staff during the last week of December to sign their child’s declaration form.
Some parents still need to sign their child’s form. For example, some parents have decided that they want to keep their child at home, in the short term, due to isolation, shielding, or personal choice. There are outstanding forms for about 12 children. The form is required by the Local Authority to confirm your child’s eligibility, and your child’s attendance pattern at Willow Nursery School.
This form must be signed for us to eventually receive the 30 hour funding. Failure to sign will mean your child will not receive 30 hour funding. Your child will then have to drop to attend for 15 hours only.
All forms must be signed by the 22nd January.
There are 3 options open to you. Note, with the first two options we will complete the information required on the forms, and you will need only to add your signature.
1) Drop into the school between 9am and 3pm to sign your child’s form in person.
2) We can scan and email the form to you electronically, for you to then sign, scan and return back to Mrs Flynn.
3) Complete an online form downloaded directly from the Local Authority (we will provide the link to the form). In this option parents must fill in all the information required on the form themselves, and submit directly to the council ( and then please inform the school office once this has been submitted.) As yet this form is not yet available, we anticipate it will be available by Monday 18th January. ACTION REQUIRED: Please email Mrs Flynn at to inform her of your preferred choice of method of completing your child’s form
Covid 19 January 5th Update
The government has said:
Early Years Settings (including nurseries and childminders) remain open.
Timings attendance patterns remain the same
Open plan organisation remains the same with free flow inside and outside.
You can decide whether to send your child or not.
You will not lose your space if you choose not to send your child during this time.
If you are choosing for your child not to return at the moment, please call or email and let us know your plans.
Telephone: 01582 662600 email:
We can understand your feelings may change over time. Schools are likely to be closed until at least 22nd February. If you wish for your child to return, please contact us the week before.
If you pay for your sessions…
In normal circumstances, sessions must be paid for in advance, and no refunds are given for child absence.
We have decided to have alternative financial arrangements for this term spring 2021 (Jan- Mar). If you choose to keep your child at home, you will NOT be charged for the allocated sessions you miss. Any fees already paid will be carried forward until your child returns.
If you wish your child to return to catkins, please remember sessions must be booked and paid for by Thursday 9.30am of the preceding school week.
As a childcare provider, we are deemed to be fully open. Therefore, we will not be providing home school learning packs.
Weekly newsletters will be sent to everyone on roll so we can keep in touch with you. Our website will be kept up to date with current announcements.
30th November 2020 – Edition 210
Find out About:
A: Arrangements for the end of Term
B. .Christmas Party
C. Parking
D. Covid 19 reporting.
A. Arrangements for the end of term.
The last day for Catkins Class is Thursday 17th December.
The last normal school day for the Main Nursery will be Thursday 17th December.
On Friday the 18th December the school will be open for the Main Nursery Party only.
The school office will be closed on Friday 18th December. The deadline for payments for the beginning of the Spring Term will be on Thursday 17th December at 9:30am.
B. Christmas Party.
The Main Nursery Christmas Party is planned to be on Friday 18th December from 11:15am until 1:00pm. , The school will be open only for the party.
All children who attend Main Nursery are invited to attend the Christmas Party regardless of what days they usually attend.
Parents and children should arrive for 11:15, and wait outside on the pavement outside the nursery. We will follow normal routines to admit the children, with Green group coming in first followed by Red group, then Yellow group. Children will not require a water bottle or a packed lunch on this day as we will be providing refreshments. Children will not require their change of clothes bag.
Children may wear party clothes if they wish, or regular nursery clothes.
Please be prompt to collect your child at 1:00pm. We will use normal routines for departure.
Catkins Class will not miss out on the Christmas fun. They will have party food, a disco and Christmas crafts within their regular sessions every day during this last week of term.
C. Parking
It has come to my attention that one of our parents was reduced to tears last week over where she had parked her car in Goldstone Crescent. A resident came out to complain that she had parked too near to their drive. Then someone parked on the other side of the road to her, but then she got complained to for not parking with consideration and making the width of the road too narrow.
Goldstone Crescent is a small road that is used by Hadrian, Willow and Vale parents. Please be considerate of each other. Please show patience and tolerance towards each other. I’m appalled that one of our parents felt so upset.
D. Covid 19 reporting.
If your child is showing symptoms of Covid 19 and you decide to take your child for a Covid 19 test you must inform the school office.
If your child receives a positive result Covid 19 you must again report this to the school as soon as possible.
A positive test result must be reported to school so that we can inform pupils/staff of the need to self isolate after contact with a positive case.
The school office has an answering machine, so messages can be left at anytime.
During the Christmas holidays schools have a duty to engage in track and trace to protect other pupils and staff, for the first few days of the school holidays.
So, if your child receives a positive covid test result on Saturday 19th December or Sunday 20th December, please email the school : so that we can identify all those that have had contact with your child in the preceeding 48 hours, and we can contact them to inform them to isolate for 14 days.
Please keep as Covid safe as possible over the Christmas break. We look forward to seeing everyone safe and well in the New Year.
7th December 2020 – Edition 209
Find out About:
A: Applying for Primary School.
B. 30 hour codes and funding forms.
C. Fruit at snacktime
D. Naming Belongings.
E. Mrs Davies not in school.
A: Applying for Primary School.
34 Main Nursery children are yet to apply for a place at Primary School.
Please remember that you must apply for a school place through your home Local Authority. You need to apply before 15th January 2021. We are able to access a list from Central Beds Authority which shows which of our pupils have not yet applied for a primary school place.
B. 30 hour codes and funding forms
Thirty hour codes must be valid on the 31st Dec 2020 for your child to receive 30 hour funding in the Spring 2021 term. Check to see if your code needs renewing. Your code number remains the same, but you will receive a new renewal date. If the code is not valid, your child will not receive funding. We cannot override this system.
Mrs Flynn will be preparing the Spring Term funding forms for parents to sign. So in the coming two weeks she, or the other office staff will be asking you to check and sign your funding forms.
C. Fruit at snacktime
Thank you for your overwhelming response to my request for fruit. Parents have been extremely generous. We have lots of happy children!
D. Naming Belongings.
Please name everything. Last week we had a back-pack mix up, as two children had identical bags. There are two water bottles that have remained on the Catkins trolley for over a week, they keep going out at the beginning and end of the day and nobody collects them. Two identical coats went home with the wrong children. Labelling your child’s belongings with your child’s name will help staff to resolve these problems as they occur.
Remember, name lunchboxes and water bottles. Name the tubs inside lunchboxes. Name coats, hats, scarves and gloves. Name any layers that may be taken off, such as cardigans, fleeces and jumpers. Some names have worn off. Please check and rewrite if necessary.
E. Mrs Davies not in school.
My daughter is a pupil at Vale Academy. Year 6 has been sent home to isolate until Tuesday 15th December. So unfortunately, I must stay at home to look after her. I will be working at home, and in contact with the school on a daily basis.
Miss Howe, as Deputy Head Teacher, will manage the day to day running of school at this time.
30th November 2020 – Edition 208
Find out About:
A: Catkins Parent Consultations.
B. .School Photographer
C. Term Dates
D. Arrangements for the end of term.
E Lack of fruit at snacktime!
F . What the children are learning this week.
A: Catkins Parent Consultations.
A reminder for those that have booked consultations with Catkins class staff, they will be taking place at the following times:
Miss Tyler’s Keyworker children: Monday 30th November: 3:00pm to 3:30pm
Miss Gaffney’s Keyworker children: Tuesday 1st December: 3:20pm to 3:50pm
Consultations for Mrs Brinkley’s Keyworker children:
Appointments available: Wednesday 2nd December 2:40pm to 3:50pm
Mrs McGrath’s Keyworker children: Thursday 3rd December 1:30pm to 2:00pm
B. School Photographer
All orders must be returned to school by Tuesday 1st December.
C. Term dates:
Autumn term ends Friday 18th December 2020.
Spring term begins Tuesday 5th January 2021.
Half term from 15th-19th February 2021
Term ends for Easter school holidays on Friday 26th March.
The best place to look for the most up to date Term dates is on the Central Beds Website. The Local Authority have been known to move school holidays to bring them in to line with neighbouring counties. I would always suggest double checking there before booking a holiday or other important event.
D. Arrangements for the end of term.
The last day for Catkins Class is Thursday 17th December.
The last normal school day for the Main Nursery will be Thursday 17th December.
On Friday the 18th December the school will be open for the Main Nursery Party only. The school office will be closed on Friday 18th December. The deadline for payments for the beginning of the Spring Term will be on Thursday 17th December at 9:30am.
The Main Nursery Christmas Party is planned to be on Friday 18th December from 11:15am until 1:00pm.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic the party will be slightly different to what we usually offer. We will have a Christmas Magic Show, party food, and (if we are good) a visit from Father Christmas.
We have reduced as many Covid 19 risks as possible. The magician will be distanced from the children, and nobody will be called upon to be the magician’s assistant. The school will provide all the party food. Each child will have an individual pre-prepared plate of food. (Food will be vegetarian) Father Christmas (one of the teaching assistants) will come and wave to the group. We will not have individual visits to Father Christmas in his Grotto this year.
Catkins Class will not miss out on the Christmas fun. They will have party food, a disco and Christmas crafts within their regular sessions every day during the last week of term.
E Lack of fruit at snacktime!
We have had very little fruit brought into school in the last week or so, to share at fruit time. I know we have some parents who regularly donate fruit, so a big Thankyou goes out to them. We ask that every parent consider donating a six pack of apples, or a bunch of bananas or a bag of satsumas once every six weeks. If all parents send in some fruit we have plenty to share at grouptime. We give children a small portion of fruit to have with their milk at snacktime, usually about a quarter of an apple/ banana/ satsuma. The children really enjoy their snacktime.
F. What the children are learning this week.
Catkins will be focussing on some of the storybooks about Maisie Mouse By Lucy Cousins. Mrs Brinkley will use the story: ‘Maisie’s Bus’ to teach the children about numerals 1 to 5, as the bus in the story stops at numbered bus stops along the bus journey. The frame we used for the dark tent last week can be rebuilt as a big red bus. Children will have the chance to role play going on a bus journey.
Miss Tyler will be retelling the story of ‘Maisie Goes Swimming’. In this story Maisie has to take off many layers of clothes to be ready for the pool. The children name the clothing types and name the colours. We have a handmade Maisie Mouse, and all her layers of clothing that a group of clever parents made a number of years ago.
Mrs McGrath is going to help children to cook some cheesy mouse biscuits.
Main Nursery Children will begin exploring the theme of Christmas. At Willow we try very hard to make our Christmas feel exciting, busy and full of glitter. We try not to start Christmas crafts etc too early as it is very hard to sustain excited 2,3 and 4 year olds for more than three weeks. We teach the children about the Nativity Story and allow the children the children to consider that this story is a story that Christians believe to be true. We provide a role play stable and props so children can retell the Nativity Story. We learn about Christmas traditions. The children have their own Christmas tree that they can decorate as they wish.