17th June 2024 – Edition 338
Find out About:
A. Reminder: An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Yellow Group Parents: Basic Skills.
B. Phone issues continue.
C. What are the children learning about this week?
A. Reminder: An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Yellow Group Parents: Basic Skills.
Miss Howe’s Yellow group parents have been invited in to observe a 30 minute reading/writing activity on Wednesday 19th June.
Mrs Cashmore’s Big Nursery Yellow group parents have been invited in to observe a 30 minute reading/writing activity on Thursday 20th June.
The children’s skills are really coming along as we head towards the end of the year. We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to see your child working within a more structured, adult led session.
B.Phone issues continue.
Despite a lot of time in discussion with BT and our ICT support technical service, we are no further on.
We can receive calls, but we cannot make calls.
Callers can leave answerphone messages, but we cannot pick them up.
We are largely relying on emails to pass messages on to parents.
I will keep you updated through these newsletters, if we make progress.
C. What are the children learning about this week?
Our Half Termly Topic is ‘On the Move’.
The theme in nursery this week is ‘Transport On Land’.
In Catkins, the children will be learning about transport through play. They will have access to cars and garages and staff will model language as the children play. Adults will provide boxes for the children to sit in and pretend that they are in vehicles. They will use props such as steering wheels to boost their imagination.
In the garden, the children will practice riding bikes and moving around the garden in cars. They will consider different ways to move their vehicles, including, pushing
them along as they walk behind and scooting along using their feet. Staff will create a track for the children to move around safely and will encourage turn taking.
In the Link, the staff will talk to the children about moving from place to place on foot. They will talk about how healthy it is to walk to work and school. The staff will support children in taking off their shoes and socks so that they can create their own foot painting pictures. They will encourage the children to talk about the way the paint and paintbrush feels on their feet and about the school rule of using their ‘walking feet’.
In Room 3, the children will have access to a range of media where they can create their own box models. Staff will support children in creating cars, lorries, vans etc. to represent land transport models. They will be encouraged to be as independent as possible when using the glue and sellotape dispenser to attach different materials together.
In Room 2, the children will be looking at the different marks that can be made by painting using toy cars. They will be shown how to push cars through paint and then look at the marks made by different wheels. Children will also learn about the importance of traffic lights and the three colours that are used. They will choose appropriate colours to create their own traffic light pictures.
In Room 1, the staff will set up a bus role play area. The children will get to sit on the bus while a driver takes them to their destination. The driver will ask the passengers for tickets and destination information, this will promote communication and language skills for all of the children. They will be encouraged to take turns being the driver and passengers to ensure everyone gets a turn.
Outside, the children will have ramps and cars set up in an area where they can explore speed and movement as they roll cars down different inclines. There will be bikes, scooters and road signs provided for the children to practice moving safely around the playground. They will be encouraged to stop at the stop signs and pay attention to the colours on the traffic lights.
10th June 2024 – Edition 337
Find out About:
A. Can you Help? We are in need of some tissues…
B. An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Yellow Group Parents: Basic Skills.
C. Parent Consultations July 2024
D. End of term arrangements July 2024
E. What are the children learning about this week?
A. Can you Help? We are in need of some tissues…
We are almost completely out of tissues. We would be very grateful if Parents would consider donating a box of tissues.
B. An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Yellow Group Parents: Basic Skills.
Miss Howe teaches some Big Nursery Yellow Group children ‘Basic Skills’ on a Wednesday morning. Mrs Cashmore teaches Some Big Nursery Yellow Group children ‘Basic Skills’ on a Thursday morning.
The children move to a quiet space in Room 5 where they work in small groups (approx. 8 children) to learn reading, writing, mathematical skills and problem solving.
We would like to invite Miss Howe’s Yellow group parents in to observe a 30 minute reading/writing activity on Wednesday 19th June.
We would like to invite Mrs Cashmore’s Yellow group parents in to observe a 30 minute reading/writing activity on Thursday 20th June.
A further invitation letter will follow to Yellow Group parents so that we can match up time slots, so parents can join their child’s small group. Blue Group had their Basic Skills groups in the Autumn Term 2023 and Orange Group had their Basic skills group in the Spring Term 2024.
C. Parent Consultations July 2024.
We plan to have face to face parent consultations for all the children on 1st, 2nd and 4th July 2024. All consultations will be 5 minutes long. Staff will be in touch with you to arrange an appointment time.
Some staff work part time. Individual staff members will each have a designated block of time slots to meet with parents.
So for Little Nursery:
Please note, we have had to make some transitional arrangements due to the roll out of the 15 hours funding for 2 year olds. Little Nursery Yellow Group are now based in Room 3 for the Summer Term 2024. Mrs Cashmore and Mrs McGrath work closely with them and know them best. Little Nursery Blue Group are based in the Catkins Room. Mrs Watson works closely with them and knows them best. So for these consultations, Little Yellow Group and Little Blue Group Parents will meet with the adults that are currently most knowledgeable about their child, which, at this time may not be their Keyworker.
Monday 1st July–
Mrs Cashmore, Catkins Yellow Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 3:45pm
Mrs McGrath, Catkins Yellow Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:00pm and 3:35pm
Miss Gaffney’s Green Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 4:00pm
Mrs Brinkley’s Red Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 4:00pm
Tuesday 2nd July
Miss Tyler’s Catkins Orange group children Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 4:15pm
Thursday 4th July–
Mrs Watson’s Blue Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 3:55pm
So for Big Nursery:
Monday 1st July- No appointments scheduled.
Tuesday 2nd July
Miss Skai’s Orange Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 4:15pm
Miss Howe’s Yellow Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 4:15pm
Thursday 4th July–
Mrs Patterson’s Green Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 4:25pm
Mrs Cashmore’s Yellow Group Children. Five minute appointments available between 3:15pm and 4:25pm
D. End of Term arrangements July 2024
The last day of term in July 2024 for all children will be Thursday 18th July.
On Friday 19th July school will open only for the Big Nursery children that are leaving us. The session will be from 8:50 am to 11:50 am. All Big Nursery leavers are invited to attend this session, regardless of your child’s normal attendance days. As children are attending for the morning only, no child will require a packed lunch. Children will require their water bottles. We are going to consult the children about what activities they would like to plan for their last day, and try to enable their ideas. There will be no charge for this session.
E. What are the children learning about this week?
The theme this week is ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’
All of the children throughout the school will be learning the story ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’.
In Catkins, the children will have access to lots of different clothes as they role play with a clothes shop. They will have the choice to dress up to look just as smart as the Giant in the story. There will be lots of clothes for the children to wear, including some oversized clothes that might be big enough to fit a giant.
In Catkins garden, the children will continue with the theme of exploring clothes. They will have a rotary washing line and pegs set up, along with a washing up bowl filled with water. They will use these resources to support them with their play. Hanging up clothes using pegs is very good for building fine motor skills and staff will ensure there is a constant flow of washing that needs to be dried.
In the Link, the children will focus on number. They will use stamps and paint to create pictures. Children will be prompted to say the names of each number they use for their work. Staff will support children with counting 1-3 and 1-5 and further if they are able. Children will be offered the opportunity to make a Father’s Day card, this is an optional activity and will only be completed if the children wish to.
In Room 3, the children will look at this theme from a mathematical viewpoint. They will be encouraged to measure their own feet and some giant feet, using multi-link blocks. Children will be shown how to attach the multi-link blocks together to create different measurements. They will be supported with counting the blocks as they work. Staff will discuss similarities and differences between the sizes of the feet that have been measured.
In Room 2, the children will explore the characters from the story. They will look at what the characters wear, and use the book for guidelines on any images they would like to create. These recreations of characters can be done in a range of ways, using different media and materials. The children will choose how they want to present their work. The children in Big Nursery will have the opportunity to make a Father’s Day card, there will be some ideas and resources available but it will be the children’s decision to make one.
In Room 1, staff will be focusing on maths skills. This will include number and counting games, as well as discussing the importance of taking turns. The children will be invited to play a matching socks game, where they will look at the patterns of different socks and try to pair them up. Children will then be encouraged to look for numbers and patterns in the environment.
Outside, the children will be investigating the way a giant might walk. They will have giant feet that they will stand on and use to make their way around the playground. These giants feet will promote balance and coordination for the children, they are so big that the children need to hold on to ropes to lift the feet. The water tray will be available outside for the children to look after and wash their babies in. Staff will talk to the children about the difference in size between a baby and a giant, modelling language such as big, small, short and tall etc.
Monday 3rd June 2024 – Edition 336.
Find out About
A. Summer Heat and Nursery.
B.Is your child ready to learn.
C. What are the children are learning about this week?
A. Summer Heat and Nursery.
We now find ourselves in the last seven weeks of the Summer Term. Higher temperatures will now be arriving. Staff are bracing ourselves, as the Summer extreme hot weather brings its own problems.
Across the school, children respond differently to the heat. Some children can take the heat in their stride, and are happy and content. Some children really struggle with the heat, they get too hot, become flushed and sweaty. The intense heat can sap children’s energy. Some children can become extremely grumpy and tired in the hottest part of the day. Staff spend most of their time worrying about keeping everyone safe.
So to help:
B. Is your child ready to learn?
Parents always look eagerly towards finding out which Primary school their child will be attending. Parents of children leaving us in July 2024 have found out which school their child is going to. We work very hard in school to prepare children for the next stage in their learning at their new school. There are some preparations that parents should be aware of, and can work on with your child in order to make your child ‘School Ready’. So together, as teachers and carers, we need to make sure all our children receive the very best possible start.
Central Bedfordshire Council has put together a leaflet which describes some essential skills that your child should be working towards in order to get the best out of school. This leaflet is known as the ‘sixteen ticks’ as it has sixteen things to work towards. These ticks are relevant to all our pupils, even the youngest, because they are all eventually going to go on to Primary School.
I have attached a poster along with this newsletter which details the sixteen ticks and suggests some points for you to consider.
There is an additional link sent with this newsletter. This is the 16 ticks poster.
Please have a look at it, to see the variety of skills children need to have in place in order to have a successful start in their primary school.
C. What are the children learning about this week?
The theme across the school is London and the Royal Family.
As part of our teaching about ‘British Values’, we spend some time looking at the British Royal Family. We introduce children to pictures of the royal family and pictures of artefacts that are a part of Royalty and Ceremony.
We also take this opportunity to talk about how the King sometimes lives in London, and again look at photographs of Royal Palaces and other London landmarks.
We introduce children to the Union Flag (also known as the Union Jack), particularly looking at the colours of red white and blue.
We will offer a range of age appropriate activities, to enhance individual children’s knowledge and interest.
There will be a lot of crown making……
20th May 2024 – Edition 335
Find out About
A. School Closed Next week- Half term holiday.
B Chicks and Butterflies have hatched!
C.Children’s bags.
D Would you be interested in becoming a School Governor?
E. What are the children are learning about this week?
A. School Closed Next week- Half term holiday.
The school will be closed from Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May for our Half Term holiday
B. Chicks and Butterflies have hatched!
During the summer term we learn about things that grow. We introduce the children to the idea of ‘lifecycles’. We have been observing the lifecycle of some caterpillars. We have watched them grow from small caterpillars to big, fat caterpillars. We watched as they spun cocoons around themselves. This morning we have found the butterflies beginning to hatch in our butterfly house.
We have also provided a ‘Living Eggs’ experience for the children. Living Eggs is a company that provides everything we need to enable our pupils to see eggs hatch successfully into chicks.
Our eggs arrived last Monday, and since then we have cared for them in an incubator. They began to hatch last Thursday. After a few hours we moved the newly hatched chicks to their new home, a light clean box with a warming lamp, with a big clear window so that the chicks can look out and our pupils can look in. We have seven chicks. Today, staff will be supporting children to hold the chicks and observe them closely.
The chicks will be with us until Friday. They begin to grow rapidly and their wing feathers start to develop. At this stage they become more difficult for us and the children to handle as they start to flap around. The lady from Living Eggs will return and take the chicks back to the farm.
C. Children’s bags.
The Summer Term is our busiest. Could we please ask all adults to help us admit the children as smoothly as possible. We encourage the children to be as independent as possible when they are learning with us. We would like all the children to learn to carry their own bag in to school and put this on their peg on arrival.
How can you help?
When you arrive together at the beginning of the session please prepare your child before you get to the front gate, by encouraging your child to already be holding/wearing their bag. Parents can then add lunchboxes and water bottles to the trolley whilst children can independently walk inside.
We work at a ratio of one adult to every 5 children with our 2 year olds. Many parents are expecting staff to take their child’s bag on arrival. The staff’s priority is to keep the children safe and escort them from the front gate to the front entrance hallway. If we expect the staff to hold everyone’s bags, they will have 4 or 5 each! I want staff to be thinking about children, not being distracted, worrying about children’s bags.
Please think about the appropriate size of the bag. Some parents provide their child with an enormous bag and this in itself means that their child will not be able to independently carry their bag inside. We suggest a child sized bag. Children’s sized backpacks are ideal, because once they are on the children do not have to actively hold anything. Their bag just comes with them!
We do train children over time. The oldest Big Nursery children are very competent with their own belongings. Have high expectations of your child and you may be pleasantly surprised at how competent they actually are!
D. Would you be interested in becoming a School Governor?
Willow Nursery is a Maintained Nursery School, and is managed like other Government Maintained Schools.
As part of our structure we have a governing body, made up of volunteers, that come together to help the Headteacher to manage the school effectively. As part of our governing body we have two Parent Governors. Parent governors play a vital role on governing bodies, holding the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Through the children, they have a first hand experience of the delivery of the curriculum, and how the school is perceived from the ‘consumers’ point of view. This enables parent governors to bring a different perspective to the strategic management of the school.
More specifically governors:
What commitment to Parent Governors have to make at Willow?
We ask that governors are available to meet for three governors meetings per year, one in each term. We generally meet at 4:00pm, sometimes we meet face to face, sometimes online and currently due to everyone’s commitments, we operate a blended approach with some people meeting us here at school face to face, and others joining us online. Meetings usually last 60-90 minutes.
We ask all governors to visit the school once a year during the daytime to carry out a short governor visit, so they can see how the school is operating, within an area they are interested in.
You do not need any particular experience, we just ask that you are interested in the development of your child’s school.
We have one parent governor, but we are looking for a second one please! Our next meeting is on Monday 17th June at 4:00pm…..
So if you think this is something you might be interested in, have a chat with me, Mrs Davies and we can take it from there.
E. What are the children are learning about this week?
The theme this week is chicks.
In Catkins, the children will have a focus on reading. They will have a large reading area where they can sit alone or with staff and explore lots of books. The children will also investigate musical instruments and the sounds they make. Staff will support the children in making some simple instruments and show them how to use them.
In the garden, the children will have access to the water tray. There will be lots of water resources for everyone to use, they will be able to splash, squirt and transport water. There will be aprons for everyone to put on, but children are very likely to get wet! Please remember to pack a change of clothes for your children.
In the Link, the children will be able meet the chicks that have recently hatched in big nursery. They will be supported with looking at and handling the chicks. Staff will talk to the children about being gentle with the chicks so that they stay safe. Children will also have access to sensory activities such as paint and cornflour throughout the week.
In Room 3, the children will share books about chicks, with staff and look at the words and pictures on the pages. They will also spend lots of time working towards writing their names. Children will be supported with holding their pencils effectively and making marks. Staff will show the children how to form the different letters in their name.
In Room 2, the staff will have some of the chicks for the children to look at. The staff will talk to the children about what the chicks look like, including their colour and features. They will encourage the children to think about these factors as they paint images of the chicks. The children will be encouraged to write their names on the paper before they begin to paint.
The chicks have been located in Room 1 since they arrived. Staff will use this area to support the children in handling them and being as gentle as possible. They will explain to the children that we have to take really good care of the chicks because they are living creatures. There will be a set of instructions for the children to read before they handle the chicks. The children will be required to think about the letters and sounds that they have learned, so that they can read the instructions for taking care of the chicks.
Outside, we are hoping that the weather will continue to be fair. The children will work with staff to make kites that they can fly around the garden. They will use different tools such as scissors, string and sellotape to create the desired effect. The staff will explain to the children that their kites will fly better on a windy day, but that they can also make them fly, by running as fast as they can and holding the kites as high as possible.
We are currently having some website issues. Some information may not be current or may be missing. We will rectify this as soon as possible.