15th November 2021 – Edition 242
Find out About
A. School Photographer
B. Local Visits
C: What are the children learning about this week?
A. School Photographer
School Photograph order packs arrived on Wednesday 10th November. We have been handing them out to parents when we see them.
Orders must be returned by Wednesday 17th November.
B. Local Visits
Going out of school on a small trip or visit provides the children with good learning opportunities. Miss Howe and Mrs Patterson spent an afternoon planning these short trips. Staff will explore the area finding talking points to discuss with the children. A change of environment can create lots of opportunities to share ideas These trips have been rigorously risk assessed and a Senior member of staff will accompany the children at all times.
Big Nursery Children will be going out of school in very small groups (maximum of 8 children) during this week to explore their Local environment, from Goldstone Crescent to the post box at the junction of Wilbury Drive and Ridgeway Avenue. Staff to child ratio will be 1 adult to every 2 children.
However, these trips will only be able to go ahead if we have sufficient staffing levels on the day.
C. What the children are learning about this week?
The theme in Little Nursery this week is: 5 currant buns.
In Catkins, Miss Tyler will be working with the children on expressing their creative side and constructing cake collages. Miss Tyler will have an array of materials for the children to choose from and use on their artwork. The children will also be focusing on learning the nursery rhymes ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and ‘Old Macdonald had a farm.’ If you hear your children practicing these songs at home, please encourage them.
Outside, the children will be working towards recognising numerals 1-5 while on a ‘currant bun number hunt’ and inside they will be exploring musical instruments with Miss Gaffney.
In Big Nursery, the theme for this week is ‘Our Local Area’.
It is going to be an exciting week as Mrs. Patterson is planning to take the children on a local area walk, where they will learn about the local area and discuss the numbers and colours that they might see while walking. Mrs. Patterson will draw the children’s attention to writing on everyday objects, such as postboxes and street signs, that they might not have noticed before. The aim is to spark an interest in recognising letters and numerals in the environment. All children will be accompanied by staff and will be wearing Hi-Viz jackets to ensure their safety.
In room 2, Miss Skai will be continuing with the local area theme by painting traffic lights. The children have been using road signs in the playground to practice colour recognition and this is a wonderful way to continue their learning.
Outside in the garden, Miss Howe will be playing ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’ with the children. This is a timeless classic that the children love to play. This game is fantastic for building confidence and encouraging children to play as part of a group.
While outside they will also have access to pots, magnifiers, trays, and books about bugs. This is so the children can get closer to nature and search the garden for insects. Miss Howe will talk to the children about the importance of taking care of living creatures in our environment. Miss Howe will model a wider vocabulary for the children and together they can discuss what they have found.