Nursery News 17th June 2024


17th June 2024 – Edition 338

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A. Reminder: An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Yellow Group Parents: Basic Skills.

B. Phone issues continue.

C. What are the children learning about this week?


A. Reminder: An Open School Event: For Big Nursery Yellow Group Parents: Basic Skills.

Miss Howe’s Yellow group parents have been invited in to observe a 30 minute reading/writing activity on Wednesday 19th June.

Mrs Cashmore’s Big Nursery Yellow group parents have been invited in to observe a 30 minute reading/writing activity on Thursday 20th June.

The children’s skills are really coming along as we head towards the end of the year. We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to see your child working within a more structured, adult led session.


B.Phone issues continue.

Despite a lot of time in discussion with BT and our ICT support technical service, we are no further on.

We can receive calls, but we cannot make calls.

Callers can leave answerphone messages, but we cannot pick them up.

We are largely relying on emails to pass messages on to parents.

I will keep you updated through these newsletters, if we make progress.


C. What are the children learning about this week?

Our Half Termly Topic is ‘On the Move’.

The theme in nursery this week is ‘Transport On Land’.

In Catkins, the children will be learning about transport through play. They will have access to cars and garages and staff will model language as the children play. Adults will provide boxes for the children to sit in and pretend that they are in vehicles. They will use props such as steering wheels to boost their imagination.

In the garden, the children will practice riding bikes and moving around the garden in cars. They will consider different ways to move their vehicles, including, pushing

them along as they walk behind and scooting along using their feet. Staff will create a track for the children to move around safely and will encourage turn taking.

In the Link, the staff will talk to the children about moving from place to place on foot. They will talk about how healthy it is to walk to work and school. The staff will support children in taking off their shoes and socks so that they can create their own foot painting pictures. They will encourage the children to talk about the way the paint and paintbrush feels on their feet and about the school rule of using their ‘walking feet’.



In Room 3, the children will have access to a range of media where they can create their own box models. Staff will support children in creating cars, lorries, vans etc. to represent land transport models. They will be encouraged to be as independent as possible when using the glue and sellotape dispenser to attach different materials together.

In Room 2, the children will be looking at the different marks that can be made by painting using toy cars. They will be shown how to push cars through paint and then look at the marks made by different wheels. Children will also learn about the importance of traffic lights and the three colours that are used. They will choose appropriate colours to create their own traffic light pictures.

In Room 1, the staff will set up a bus role play area. The children will get to sit on the bus while a driver takes them to their destination. The driver will ask the passengers for tickets and destination information, this will promote communication and language skills for all of the children. They will be encouraged to take turns being the driver and passengers to ensure everyone gets a turn.

Outside, the children will have ramps and cars set up in an area where they can explore speed and movement as they roll cars down different inclines. There will be bikes, scooters and road signs provided for the children to practice moving safely around the playground. They will be encouraged to stop at the stop signs and pay attention to the colours on the traffic lights.