17th March 2025 – Edition 365
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A. Role Play Linked to Our Core Books.
B. Big Nursery Children: Does anyone want to increase their child’s sessions for the Summer Term in Nursery from 15 hours to 30 hours?
C. Could you help us with some tissues?
D What are the children learning about this week?
A. Role Play Linked to Our Core Books.
We have been having so much fun in the last few weeks with the imaginative role plays the staff have been putting together. This group of children this year are really interested in dressing up in role and creating storylines. We’ve been looking at traditional tales, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. All these stories are great for re-telling and acting out as they have lots of repeated refrains in the stories. Even children not using very much language will join in with ‘Run, Run, Run’, or ‘Huff and Puff. All children can access these stories in some way. We are moving on with some role plays linked to our Core Books. A few weeks ago we looked at the book ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea.’ We had role plays set up all over the school including outside! Mrs Patterson has a collection of stainless steel teapots that the children were exploring. She has asked for a note to be put in the newsletter
…..We’d be very grateful for any stainless steel teapots that we can use with the children. We don’t want new ones, but they may be the sort of thing you have at home in your cupboards that never get used….
Next week we will be looking at the story of ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’.
Mrs Patterson will transform Room 2 into an immersive role play experience. Children will listen to the story being retold, then experience walking through the long grass, the short prickly grass the thick oozy mud, the water of the river before arriving at the Bear Cave. They then find ‘A Bear!’ (One of the children dressed up.) The children get so excited with this activity. One of the best in our year!
B. Big Nursery Children: Does anyone want to increase their child’s sessions for the Summer Term in Nursery from 15 hours to 30 hours?
We are looking at our pupil numbers for the summer term. We do have some spaces available if anyone in Big Nursery is interested in increasing their child’s hours from 15 to 30 hours for the Summer term. This can be funded in its entirety if your child is entitled to 30 hours funding for working parents or you could choose to pay for the additional 15 hours. (£16:14 per session, so £80 per week.)
Some parents request this opportunity each year, because they feel it prepares their children for Reception class in September, staying for full days and having a packed lunch. Usually we do not have any spaces available, but this year a number of Big Nursery children have left due to moving house.
If this is something you might be interested in, please speak to Mrs Davies, Mrs Evans or any of the office staff, or send an email in to school to: If you are interested please don’t delay- If you want to use 30 hour funding for working families, your code must be in place and valid by 31st March 2025, to be able to be used for the Summer Term. Please speak to us by Wednesday 19th March.
C. Could you help us with some tissues?
We are asking if parents would consider donating a box of tissues for the children to use, as we only have a few boxes left in the school!
D What are the children are learning about this week?
The theme this week is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’
The children will be listening to Were Going on a Bear Hunt, written by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. They will be exposed to lots of different ways to learn the story and staff will encourage the children to retell it in their own way. There will be various resources provided throughout the setting to support this. We hope to spark the children’s imagination and promote lots of role play. There are many repeated refrains in this story and we will be encouraging the children to join in with them as we share this wonderful book.
Through the week, the children will also be working on their pencil grip. They will work on holding their pencil effectively and making meaningful marks. Since the children have started phonics, they have shown a real interest in writing letters and cards to each other. They are very keen to write down the most recent letter that they have learnt. We are encouraging the children to use their name cards to write their own name on their work, as this instils a sense of pride in their work and the children are excited to show each other what they have done.