Nursery News 20th March 2023


20th March 2023 – Edition 292

Find out About

A. Our New Finance Officer.

B. What the children are learning about this week?


A. Our New Finance Officer.

We have had a period of transition in the school office, and I would like to thank all our parents for being patient with us, and using our answerphone when a staff member has not been available to answer the phone.

I am pleased to say that our new Finance Officer has completed two weeks in the school office and is beginning to familiarise herself with our systems.

Her name is Mrs Katy Barber. She has a strong background in finance, coming from a finance department in industry. She is a parent of two young children, so understands the needs of families. She is looking forward to the challenges this role will bring.

I must just give a mention to Mrs Charlene Selth, our Office Administrator, who works alongside Mrs Barber. She has kept all our financial paperwork up to date during the last two months, working just three days per week and doing the job of two staff! If the transition has been seamless, it is down to her!

We are very fortunate to have such a strong team in our office. Many schools are having difficulty recruiting admin staff at this time.


B. What the children are learning about this week?


The theme in Little Nursery is Weather and Seasons.

In Catkins, the children will be creating rainbow collages, they will use different coloured materials including paper/card/pencils to decorate their own rainbow pictures. Mrs. Cashmore will talk to the children about when they might see rainbows and the beautiful colours on them.

In the link, Mrs. Brinkley will be working on paintings representing different types of weather. She will show the children how to create these paintings using their fingers instead of brushes. As the children work, Mrs. Brinkley will ask them about the current weather and encourage them to look outside the window to see what is happening.

In Room 3, Mrs. Watson will be producing weather clocks using paper plates. The children will learn how to attach plates and pictures together using split pins to create their clocks. Mrs. Watson will discuss the weather on the day and recent weather with the children.

Outside, Miss Gaffney will be planting grass seeds with the children. She will talk about what the seeds will need to grow and how the weather has a huge effect on plants. Miss Gaffney will add a picture of each child to the plant pot which will make the grass seeds look like their hair – it will be a very funny creation.

The theme in Big Nursery is Recycling.

In Room 1, Miss Skai will have a shared read set up. The children will read Josie and the Junk Box together. There will also be a recycling game set up for the children to learn how to recycle and the different items that can be reused. Miss Skai will ask the children which ways they recycle at home and teach them that we can recycle many different items.

In room two, Miss Howe will be repurposing egg boxes to use as planters. She will explain to the children that seeds can be planted in the egg boxes and placed in the ground because they are biodegradable and won’t harm the environment. She will also be showing the children how to create musical shakers out of old recycled bottles.

Mrs. Cashmore will be focussing on literacy with the children. She will be talking to everyone about their initials and how to write them in upper case. Mrs. Cashmore will ask the children to try and write their initials independently and then decorate them with recycled materials such as paper and card.

Mrs. Patterson will be working outside and using lots of exciting repurposed resources to teach the children that some things can have more than one use. She will use gutter pipes/milk crates/cardboard boxes etc. to show the children that sometimes if we use our imagination, it is easy to repurpose many items.