Nursery News 24th March 2025


24th March 2025 – Edition 366

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A. Term dates. Last day of Spring Term Friday 4th April. School Re-opens on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 for the Summer Term.

B. Willow Nursery School Academic Calendar 2025-2026 is now available on our website.

C. What are the children learning about this week?


A. Term dates. Last day of Spring Term Friday 4th April. School Re-opens on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 for the Summer Term.

The last day of term for all children is Friday 4th April. The Nursery is open for normal hours on this day. School reopens for the Summer Term on Tuesday 22nd April.


B. Willow Nursery School Academic Calendar 2025-2026 is now available on our website.

If parents look on our website  and click on the calendar tab, you will be able to see  our academic calendar for 2025-2026.

As a school, we always follow the calendar that Central Bedfordshire Local Authority suggests, however this year each school was required to select their own 5 training days.

(Training days are when schools are closed to pupils, to allow teachers and support staff to receive training.)

Therefore, please be aware that Willow’s training days may be different to other schools in the local area.


C. What are the children are learning about this week?

The theme this week is Easter

The younger children will be working very hard this week on noticing objects in their environment, staff will hide Easter related images around the garden for them to find. There will also be lots of numbers in the area for the children to look at and practice number recognition and counting.

Throughout the school, the staff will be encouraging everyone to remember their manners. As part of our seven C’s curriculum we teach our children to use good manners as part of their everyday vocabulary. Staff will model a polite vocabulary to the children and encourage them to be considerate of each other.

Children will be asked to try and help each other with tasks that may be difficult and to be as independent as possible when getting changed or putting on coats to go outside. As a school, we aim to support our children in being school ready, this includes knowing how to dress and undress themselves, feed themselves and also to take themselves to the toilet successfully. We will be offering an afternoon snack through the week and staff will prompt children to peel their own oranges and bananas. This will be the perfect opportunity for the children to offer their friends some support if needed.