NURSERY NEWS 27th January 2025


27th  January 2025 – Edition 359

Find out About

A. Parent Consultations.

B. Mrs McGrath is now on Maternity Leave.

C. What are the children are learning about this week?

D Willow Lending Library.


A: Parent Consultations.

We aim to hold Parent Consultations every term. Little Nursery Consultations will be taking place during the week beginning 10th February 2025. Parent Consultations are not compulsory, but if you would like an appointment please arrange this with your child’s keyworker when they are outside before sessions begin. These consultations will be on the telephone, will last 5 minutes and be at the following times:

Mrs Cashmore Monday 10th February between 3:15pm and 3:35pm

Mrs Brinkley Monday 10th February between 3:15pm and 3:50pm

Miss Gaffney Tuesday 11th February between 3:15pm and 4:30pm

Miss Tyler Tuesday 11th February between 3:15pm and 4:05pm

Details of Big Nursery Consultations will be in next weeks’ newsletter.


B.Mrs McGrath is now on Maternity Leave.

Mrs McGrath is now on Maternity Leave. She has just a few weeks before baby is due.

We are very lucky to have Miss Allen on our staff, who currently works part time. She will be increasing her hours, to enable her to step in and look after Mrs McGrath’s Little Nursery Yellow Group children.


So whilst Miss Allen is not new to us, she will be a new Keyworker for some parents to get to know. Mrs McGrath plans to return in November.


C. What are the children are learning about this week?

The theme this week is The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The children will have the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff read to them in school and there will be lots of learning and activities based on the book.

Children will be able to act out and retell the story. There will be a wobbly bridge outside for the children to ‘trip trap’ across, pretending to be a Billy goat and they can take it in turns to be the angry troll. They can act out each character’s role and use repeated refrains such as ‘who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?’

There will be small world scenes set up for the children to get to know the story and the characters, they can use their imagination to extend their play and invite others to join them. For the children that want to explore the story in different forms, we have activities on the screen and also a magnetic board.

This week, the children will also be learning how to use tools safely and beginning to understand the concept of size, mass and capacity. They will work towards finding out which items are heavier/lighter, longer/shorter and more/ less. There are many ways to explore these concepts and we will have resources in each area to support this.


On Wednesday 29th January, it is Chinese New Year. We will be teaching the children about Chinese New Year and that this is the year of the snake. We have a very big Chinese dragon costume that the children can use to dress up in and dance around the playground.


 D. Willow Lending Library.

We have had a number of new families joining us this term, so we just wanted to remind parents that we operate a lending library of children’s books.


Willow Lending Library


Welcome to Willow outdoor lending library. We are open every day from 8.15-8.45am and from 3.00pm-3.30pm.

Please choose 1-2 books with your child and write the names of the books under your child’s name in their colour group folder before taking them home to read together.

You can change the books as frequently as you wish.

Please look after our books.

*Please ensure that you have left the library area at 8.45am prompt before children start to enter the school gates in the morning. THANKYOU J


Top Tips for Reading with your child

  • Let your child choose what they would like to read.
  • Make sure there are no distractions.
  • Sit close together. Encourage your child to hold the book and turn the pages too.
  • Look at the pictures. Talk about what can be seen on the page.
  • Ask questions and talk about the book. Give your child time to talk.
  • Have fun – there is no right or wrong way to share a story.