Nursery News 28th March 2022


28th March 2022 – Edition 257


Find out About

A. School Holiday next week

B. Thank you for the fruit donations

C. Lost money?

D. Have you lost a wireless ear bud?

E. Easter Holiday Activities

F. What the children are learning about this week



A. School Holiday next week

Next week is the school holiday for the children so the nursery is closed.

We reopen again on Wednesday 20th April 2022.


B. Thank you for the fruit donations

Thank you so much for your kind donations of fruit. We have plenty now to see us through until the end of term on Friday. The children have been enjoying the fruit at snack time.


C. Lost money?

Some money was found outside the school gates by the fence on Tuesday 22nd March. If you think you have lost some money whilst waiting for your child at nursery pick up, please come and speak to the office staff.


D. Have you lost a wireless ear bud?

A single wireless earbud was found in some bags of box modelling materials last week. If anyone thinks it may be theirs, please speak to the office staff.


E. Easter Holiday Activities


F. What the children are learning about this week

The theme throughout nursery is Easter.

In Catkins the children will be looking at shapes and numbers. The adults will model mathematical language to the children and show them how to manipulate the playdough to make simple 2d shapes. The children will make Easter hats and decorate them with stickers, sparkles and lots of colour.

In little nursery, the children will be making triangle shaped chicks using lollipop sticks, glue and ribbon. The staff will take the children on a hunt for pictures of Easter eggs and together, they will match the patterns on the eggs. The children will also be learning about light and colour as they make Easter egg suncatchers to place in their windows at home.


In big nursery, the children will be focusing on matching numerals and amounts, they will be asked to count the number of chicks and place them in an egg with the corresponding number on. The children will also take part in a shared read of Little Wooly Lamb, which will allow the adult to stretch the children’s vocabulary as they encourage discussions about animals that they have seen while at the farm or zoo.

In room two, the children will be decorating an Easter tree with Mrs. Patterson. This is a traditional activity that always engages the children, they love to display their work and it creates a real talking point for them.

Outside, the children will take part in an Easter egg hunt. They will search the garden in small groups and look for eggs that have been hidden by the Easter Bunny. Once the children have found their eggs, they can sit down in our outside kitchen area and eat them with their friends.